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Third-wave devil who's spent his time clawing his slimy way from the bottom of the ladder to top dog, a high-powered infernal executive working on streamlining the path to hell. Downstairs' shining poster child of exemplary achievement. But even top dogs fall on hard times, and Theo's been disgraced. Having always been opinionated, was singularly and adamantly on the wrong side of things during negotiations for the big upstairs-downstairs merger. Now that it's finished, his fit over the matter doesn't look too good, and those in charge are on the market for a new paragon

Theo knows he's officially on the shit list when they give him a new project. He's to oversee the rising of the antichrist (along with her handler), a scheme that has failed so spectacularly every time it's been attempted that it's become both a joke and a horror story among devils. Just the thing to get him out of the way.

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Ethereal form is nothing but a loose conglomeration of worms suspended in oily fluid. This makes his shape very changeable and more importantly for this new project of his, makes him very hard to injure in any meaningful way.

He is clever and good at what he does, but he's also narcissistic, fairly cowardly and horrendously difficult to work with. This is because he's, quite frankly, spoiled. He's gotten his way for long enough that his natural domineering and highly-dramatic nature has gotten the best of him. Now it gets the best of anyone who has to deal with him longer than a day.