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Leroy Guerra

Previously between jobs, he’s recently guilt-tripped his way into 'apprenticing' with a bounty-hunter. This is a very poor career choice for him, but he's been making it work.
Leroy's friends would tell you that this boy has a death wish. Not only is he touchy and opinionated little brat who is constantly biting off more than he can chew, but he’s also pathological smart-ass who can't keep his mouth shut to save his life. This all adds up to him getting his shit kicked in every other week. You might say he was cursed with all of these traits packed in the one small, not particularly strong body, but then you’d also have to say he was blessed by being a tough little shit.
However much he brushes it off, he had a rough time growing up. By the time he was fifteen he was on his own. It was only by the good graces of Jo Mason, owner of a building in Clarion that she runs a bar out of, that he avoided getting sucked into some seriously awful shit. She gave him a place to stay on the third floor provided he ran some errands for her and stayed out of trouble by taking his ass back to school. He definitely didn't stay out of trouble, but he did help Jo's bar become something of a local favorite in his youth. Jo still doesn't know how she feels about that.
Now that he's a bit older, though, and everyone he grew up with has moved on to bigger and better things, his home district has become a little chokingly claustrophobic. So, wildly impulsive idiot that he is, when he sees an opportunity to leave orbit for the first time in his life he snatches it up and holds on for dear life. Never mind that it depends on learning to do a difficult, morally-questionable job that has a nearly 20% annual mortality rate.
  • Leroy is prone to quick decision-making, but not necessarily to good decision-making. This hasn't been at all helpful when trying to keep jobs, savings or even relationships, sure, but at least he can say he never misses out on an opportunity.

  • The effort it takes Leroy to filter himself at all is monumental. He's crass, blunt, and a spectacular smartass at the best of times and genuinely can’t help it. This has never done him any favors with anyone, least of all with Vi who has a very low mean-little-bastard tolerance by nature.
  • Very prickly. With his friends, a bit of ribbing is a sign of affection, but he will respond with disproportionate vitriol to real jabs. He makes himself very easy to get a rise out of. The surprisingly thin buffer that separates getting a rise out of him and getting into a very annoying fistfight, though, is probably what saved him from the worst of the bullying growing up.

  • Obnoxiously pseudo-confident as a defense mechanism, to the point of getting himself into situations he can’t get out of on an inexplicably regular basis. He's managed to pull off the 'fake it 'til you make it' method successfully just enough times to be unfixable at this point.

  • Highly contrarian. He's very resistant to being told what to do in any capacity, but especially when he feels he's being talked down to. He can be spiteful to the point of stupidity when motivated. This means that you really can't talk him out of anything, but if you're a bit clever, there's a weakness to be exploited here.
  • Hans, who tends to slip into a bit of a patronizing tone if he's not paying attention, gets told to kiss Leroy's ass almost daily.
  • Leroy does his damnedest to hide it, but he definitely has a heart.

  • A lot more trusting and willing to forgive than good sense would dictate. He really can’t hold a grudge worth a shit.
  • Smokes like a chimney. Actual tobacco is annoying to find and expensive, but it's a habit he picked up from his shitty hipster ex that he just hasn't been able to kick.

  • He keeps his nails painted in effort to keep himself from biting the hell out of him. He does a lot better than he used to, but he's not perfect.

  • Gesticulates a lot when frustrated, and in general is very expressive with anger/irritation. Some might draw comparisons to small dog syndrome.
  • Curses often and without thinking about it. Not in 'polite company' too often, so he can struggle with censoring himself.

  • Tends towards frequent pauses and interjections in his speech, as well as shorter, choppier, sentences. Not quite as 'eloquent' as Hans tends to be.
Sense of Humor
  • Engages in a lot of friendly banter. In his circles, being a bit of a jerk is how you show you're comfortable with someone, and some light bullying is an important component of any good time. Johanns is very familiar with this, but Vi can be...sensitive.
Style of Dress
  • More often than not, Leroy will be wearing some nondescript band tee and joggers, almost always with the black eyeliner as well.
  • Was into alt fashion/culture in his younger years. Still enjoys this to some extent, but doesn't have quite the same energy he used to for it.

  • Similarly, he used to do drag performances. Still somewhat involved in the community, but he's been busy, especially as of late.
  • Faints immediately upon seeing blood, his or anyone else's. This has made bounty hunting difficult to say the least.

  • Does not care for guns one bit. They're fine if he doesn't have to be the one to use them, but whenever he does it's a shitshow.

  • Jerulo. Or, really any animal larger than a breadbox, honestly. They're all really cute and lovely when they're in a nice brochure or far away, then you get up close and the damn thing is twice as tall as you, or has teeth that extend halfway back into it's skull, or flies around your head like an asshole for some godforsaken reason. And you just have to accept that? No thanks.
  • Already into Vikor the moment he laid eyes on him; totally infatuated after he scruffed him and threatened his life.

  • Will do basically anything if it gets Vi to pay attention to him for even one second. This means that he’s constantly getting himself into trouble trying to impress him.
  • The two have great chemistry, even just as friends. They just seem to get each other a little bit better than anyone else they've ever met, even right from the (admittedly rocky) start.

  • Takes him a little longer to really be attracted to him than it did with Vikor. Not his usual type, but he grew on him once he could separate the genuine Hans from the façade. Both because he’s not nearly as much of a vapid prick as he’d like everyone to think, and because, he may be a bit of a twink, but he could still strangle him to death with one hand.

  • Doesn’t know how to handle how affectionate Hans is, so he’s mean as shit in retaliation. He doesn’t really seem to mind this.